A muscular and fit body is a dream of all gym buddies but all will not be able to achieve good and effective results due to certain mistakes and misconceptions.
Here are the top 6 reasons why you are not gaining muscles:
1. You don't eat sufficient Protein and Calories and Carbs
Your muscle growth depends on how much protein you take because your muscles are made up of mainly protein and water.
Calories are not a bad thing, they give you energy for your workout, and having good calories will result in faster muscle growth.
Carbs or carbohydrates also fill your body with extreme energy and a bodybuilder needs to intake enough carbs before the workout.
2. Overtraining
Extended muscle soreness and injuries that don't heal are some of the signs of overtraining. You may have chronic injuries and nagging injuries that linger for a long time. It's harder for your body to heal when too much stress is placed on it.
If you train too much all the time, it may harm your joints and tissues, and this can lead to injuries and affects muscle growth.
3. Lack of Sleep
It's not only that getting enough sleep helps muscle growth, but without adequate sleep, muscle mass decreases.
your body does not grow while you are in the gym, it grows in the bed while you are asleep. the more you sleep, the more the growth. sleeps even reduces the stress on your muscles.
4. Not lifting Enough Weights and lifting too heavy
Lightweights help to ensure a better form but not endurance. Your muscles actually stretch and forms tiny pores when you lift weights and stress them, and when you consume a proper diet, the muscles fulfill and become stronger. The more weight you lift the more your muscles stresses and build faster and fuller.
Lifting too heavy, also called 'ego lifting' may result in certain injuries and this, in turn, affects muscle growth.
5. You are too stressed
Stress increases the level of cortisol, the stress hormone that increases the appetite and fat shortage. this can cause muscle protein to break down and inhibits muscle growth.
6. You are not training your legs
If you are not training your legs, you are not training 50% of your body. If you are regularly training your upper body without training your legs, you may end up with a body that is out of proportion. It is also observed that training legs have shown positive results in the overall growth of the body.
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