Created by world-renowned trainer Hany Rambod, FST-7 is one of the most successful physique transformation systems ever created. It’s proven in the world’s best physiques from amateurs to the professional elite that have repeatedly won national, international and Olympia titles. Without question, it creates dramatic results. FST stands for Fascia Stretch Training and the 7 refers to the seven sets performed usually as the final exercise for a target body part. However, “sevens” are more than just a pump set. They are one detail of a full system designed to elicit maximal hormonal response and muscle hypertrophy. When skeletal muscle experiences significant tension that damages the integrity of muscle fibers, it can cause an increase in contractile proteins such as actin and myosin. The increases in contractile proteins in turn increase the cross sectional area of the muscle leading to strength and mass gains. Furthermore, the increased metabolic demands and metabolites such ...
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